The Store-y


I'm Jesse. I grew up in VB & OBX. Also, lived in Savannah for a stint & Avid beach goer, my husband & I call the ocean our church, baptize in the waves. Lover of comedy, music, art, pop culture & good times.  Need to sweat & move to stay sharp, mostly running & classes at the gym. I enjoy spending time entertaining, creating & connecting with my loved ones... especially my baby boy/intern, Curtis Henry (Hire Date 3.10. 2023) & my Peppermint Swirl (gov't name) kitty cat girl. I value my time & take pride in my work. I am motived, excited & curious about life, culture & commerce.

If you're a good hang that has ideas, let's work together! I am here for everyone to WIN. Try to live by 'Be someone people/I want to be around.' It's not lost on me the value to keep things interesting & life bearable. We can't always be delights, but we can make the most of what's in front of us & find the funny.

I hope you enjoy my concept presentation 'Portfolio Shop' I have been tooling aroud with the idea for years. Shockingly, baby & all, I pulled the trigger & did the damn thing!  Def still a work in progress but a labor of love. Fun to call all the shots. It will never be complete, we must always feed the beast. This is another motto I have declared as a constant in life. Anything we create can always use some more love, focus & a fresh eye to improve. Routine, consistency, priorities, delegation & TIME.

Looking forward to flexing these freelance muscles for new industries. I love my experiences, opportunities, creative freedom & work family. We have built a strong culture that I am proud to be a part of.  It's time to switch up & diversify my portfolio into uncharted territories. I have managed to curate the voice of a Men's Apparel & Gear lifestyle brand. I am none of those things but I have been embraced by the community & continue to define 'our guys' story over the last decade. This adaptation has given me confidence that no industry is too esoteric for this ol' brain. Can't wait to hear what you got that needs a ME to spice it up! All things ecommerce, marketing, business strategy or any solution based project is worth a conversation.

Let's talk shop & see of it's a fit.

That's all Folks,



My best creation EVER! Painted/manifested my lil kewpie Cowboy Curtis & dang if it didn't WORK! 

Painted/manifested of my lil kewpie Cowboy Curtis for his nursery. Thank You PostcardCowpoke Curtis Henry